How to Register in or Work in Freelance-make money at home-Work From Home Jobs
* Search in Google "" then if you are a new joiner register your Email and a newc
password or continue with Facebook continue by aggreeing with terms and conditions.
* Choose a User Name then continue to next
* Click I Want to Hire or I Want to Work.
*Search your Skills like IT& Software ,Data Entry, Writing Content
*Find your related jobs matching your skills, then complete your profile by entering
Name ,Known Languages,then Experience. Click Next Step.
*Select the payment method by Paypal or any Visa card or Master card to verify your payment.
*Start the trial offer
*There will be verification mail from freelancer to your mail id.
* Then your dashboard will be visible. browse for available project for your skills.
* Your profile details will be visible ,there you can edit and view your information.
* View your related projects and bid on the project to get selected according to your skills.
* To get placed, bid on project by write the summary neatly and bid range how you charge.
*Earn money upro 10 to 15 k per month.
Quite useful info..ЁЯФеЁЯШМ
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